


標記共同書簡( http://www.hrw.org/ja/news/2009/10/22 )に関する取扱いについて以下のようにご説明させていただくと共に、ご迷惑をおかけしました関係諸氏には深くお詫び申し上げます。【English







非暴力平和隊・日本 共同代表
君島東彦(きみじま あきひこ)



24 October 2009

Statement by Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan regarding the Joint Letter to Japanese Foreign Minister on Sri Lanka

As Co-Chair of Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan, I would like to express my deep apology and make an explanation on the actions of two members of Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan.

Mr. Yutaka Ohata, Co-Chair of Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan, and Mr. Hiroshi Ando, Executive Director of Nonviolent Peacefroce Japan, signed the Joint Letter to Japanese Foreign Minister on Sri Lanka dated 22 October 2009. They did so in the capacity as concerned citizens but they referred to the name of Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan. They did not put this issue through the organizational procedure within Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan. Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan as an organization has never endorsed the Joint Letter. Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan has a policy of nonpartisanship that it does not advocate nor support any political position. I regret that two members’ signing the Letter made an appearance that Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan takes a political position and makes a political advocacy.

Although Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan and Nonviolent Peaceforce and Nonviolent Peaceforce Sri Lanka are different organizational entities, the media coverage was not careful enough to distinguish these organizations. I would like to emphasize that two members’ signing the Letter was done as their own decisions and Nonviolent Peaceforce and Nonviolent Peaceforce Sri Lanka have had nothing to do with this matter. Nonviolent Peaceforce and Nonviolent Peaceforce Sri Lanka did not know anything about this Letter and they did not provide any information on the contents of the Letter.

The reference to Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan in the Letter has been removed from the Letter.

I apologize for the confusion caused by two members’ signing the Letter. I promise that Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan will reconfirm the importance of the principle of nonpartisanship and immediately take a necessary action that will correct the mistakes done by two members. And I renew my pledge to support the efforts of Nonviolent Peaceforce Sri Lanka working hard for peace in Sri Lanka.

Akihiko Kimijima
Nonviolent Peaceforce Japan
